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Hair Transplantation in Turkey

Turkish clinics are world leaders in hair transplantation. Highly qualified doctors with vast experience
work here. More than 100,000 transplantations are performed annually in Turkish clinics. The cost for this procedure in Turkey is 60-70% lower than in Europe, Korea or Israel.
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All You Need to Know about Hair Transplantation
in Turkey

Follicle transplantation is needed in cases where there is no other alternative to restore the former density of the hair.

Patients in need of hair transplant most often choose a clinic in Turkey. The main criteria for such a choice are the best specialists in this field, a high level of service, and affordable prices.
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Advantages of hair transplantation in Turkey

One of the main criteria for choosing a hair transplant procedure in Turkey is the prices which are several times lower than in other countries. At the same time, Turkish transplant specialists are rightfully considered one of the best in the world. They managed to make transplanted follicles take root perfectly, and the risks of re-falling out are significantly reduced. Therefore, a huge number of people who want to use the procedure choose Turkey. Hair transplantation in Turkey has a number of advantages:
Affordable prices: due to the complex of services included in the package, the cost of hair transplantation in Turkey is considered to be the most profitable in the world. Even US citizens, who live in the country of the best medicine, go to Turkish cosmetology clinics. For comparison — the cost of a hair transplantation in Turkey starts from $950, and the same procedure in Germany costs around $4,500.
Vast experience of doctors: more than 100,000 transplantations are performed in Turkey annually, so doctors here can find a solution for the most complex problems, taking into account the patient's diseases, age, hair structure and other factors.
To perform the procedure, doctors use modern equipment and latest technology. Transplantation complies with all the requirements of international ISHRS standards which ensure high grafts survival rate.
Clinics provide comfortable conditions for recovery after surgery. The patient is met at the airport, offered a comfortable room and food; all the necessary medications are also provided.

Best Hair Transplant Clinics in Turkey

Turkey is the world's largest hair transplantation center with reasonable prices. Highly qualified specialists with great practical skills and vast experience work here. Turkish hair transplant clinics use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment.
Prices of Hair Transplantation in Turkey
The cost of hair transplantation in Turkey depends on the method of transplantation, the level of the medical institution, and additional procedures.
The clinics offer all-inclusive package services, so the prices are very reasonable and much lower than in other countries.

Leading Specialists for Hair Transplantation in Turkey

Each trichologist has vast experience, a high level of professionalism and has all the necessary knowledge and skills to eliminate
the problem of hair loss. The doctor provides comprehensive support and provides their patient with an individual approach.

Dr. Yilmaz Oztorun

Associate Professor,

Doctor of Medicine

Clinic: Medicana

Specialization: aesthetic surgery

Dr. Atilla Adnan EYÜBOĞLU
Doctor of Medicine

Clinic: Memorial Bahçelievler

Specialization: plastic and aesthetic surgery

Dr. Hakan Ağır
Doctor of Medicine

Clinic: Acibadem Hospitals Group

Specialization: plastic and reconstructive surgery

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Send us a request, and we will recommend you a specialist

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How long does the procedure take

For the hair transplantation, the patient needs to stay in Turkey for 3-4 days. On the first day, a consultation with the doctor is conducted. On the second day, the procedure is performed. It lasts around 6-8 hours with a lunch break. During the operation, the patient is conscious but does not feel pain. The transplantation is done under sedation. On the same day after the procedure, the transfer takes the patient to the hotel, and the next day brings him back to the clinic for assessement. The doctor gives individual recommendations for daily hair care. On the fourth day after the procedure, the patient is ready to go home.
Пересадка волос в Турции

Preparation Before Hair Transplantation

When deciding to have a hair transplantation done in Turkey, a patient needs to take this issue seriously. It is necessary to study the information on how the transplantation procedure goes, how effective it is in his particular case. Correct information can only be obtained from experts. It is also important to remember that transplantation should only be carried out by specialists authorized by the Ministry of Health and only in sterile clinic conditions. An important step in transplantation planning is a preliminary meeting of the patient with the specialist.
To determine the date of transplantation, the doctor is required to analyze the hair. In certain cases, it may be decided to postpone the transplant procedure for some time.
During the consultation, the specialist will assess the condition of the hair and provide the patient with detailed information about the procedure. If a decision is made in favor of transplantation, then the date of the operation is determined. After that, the patient must have necessary tests done. They are aimed at finding out if there are any serious diseases that could be an obstacle to transplantation.
Doctors plan the course of the procedure in advance. Before transplantation, the density and quality of the existing hairline, the shape of the face are taken into account, and the wishes of the client are also counted. The frontal hair lines are determined and the density of the graft is decided. The areas where the grafts will be inserted are carefully marked

Upon arrival in Turkey for transplantation procedure, the first step is a consultation with the doctor. In is conducted to clarify a number of issues and to obtain for a clear understanding of the individual characteristics of the patient and planning the procedure. First, the doctor finds out the cause of hair loss and the degree of the disease. One of the important conditions for the operation is the stability of hair loss. It happens that for a number of reasons, the transplant has to be postponed. You may also need a blood test result to determine if the problem is caused by a disease.


Often, in order to find out the true cause of alopecia, it is necessary to provide the results of such tests:

  • hair spectral analysis
  • blood test for sex and thyroid hormones
  • blood chemistry test.

After reviewing the results of the tests, the doctor may decide on additional studies. You may need to consult a related specialist, such as, for example, endocrinologist.

Diseases that Cause Hair Loss

Hair loss in humans in the range of 80-100 units per day is a natural physiological process that should not cause concern. However, there are a number of diseases that can cause more intense local or general hair loss. So, alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that affects the follicles and thereby causes hair loss. The disease is manifested by loss in small areas or complete baldness. Lupus erythematosus and Huguenot-Sjögren syndrome are autoimmune diseases that provoke hair loss and require complex medical treatment.

Hair Transplantation Methods in Turkey

Hair transplantation in Turkey is quite a demanded procedure in the modern world. Most patients choose hair transplant clinics in Turkey to solve this aesthetic problems. Turkish clinics offer several transplantation methods, each of which has its own advantages. The optimal transplantation method is chosen individually for each client. Doctors offer only the method by which you will achieve the desired result.

FUE is a minimally invasive hair restoration surgery which is highly sought after and is performed under local anesthesia. With the help of a punch — a device for isolating hairs — doctor extracts individual follicles. Next, the follicles are placed in saline. After the extraction and separation of the follicles is completed, the transplant process begins. The first step in transplantation is to prepare the transplant area by creating many punctures. For this, a microscalpel or a calibration needle is used. Next, donor follicles are inserted into the puncture sites. This type of transplant operation is very popular in Turkey which is confirmed by feedback from satisfied patients.

The main advantages of the FUE method are:

  • no visible scars
  • possibility of using donor follicles
  • natural look
  • fast recovery
  • no pain or discomfort after surgery
From the standard FUE method, the Sapphire FUE method differs in that it uses a scalpel with a sapphire blade is used instead of a conventional steel one. The cost of hair transplant surgery in Turkey with the Sapphire FUE method will be slightly higher than the standard FUE method. If the standard FUE method costs 1900€, then the Sapphire FUE costs 2200€. At the same time, the Sapphire FUE method has a number of advantages. A scalpel with a sapphire blade allows you to make more precise punctures. The risk of damage to healthy follicles is minimized, and there are no visible scars.
Hair transplantation in Turkey with the follicular unit transplantation (FUT) method is similar to the FUE transplantation procedure. The main difference lies in the way the donor follicles are collected. In FUT transplantation, the follicles are removed in blocks rather than individually. The doctor removes a small section of the scalp, the depth of which is 5-7 mm. This allows leaving the subcutaneous tissue inside a separate block. The scalp is then sutured and the removed tissue is dissected. Under a microscope, the follicular units are separated, then transplanted. The advantages of this method of transplantation include:
  • lower cost compared to other methods
  • more follicles are extracted in one session
  • after the procedure, the hair has the most natural look

Send a Request for Hair Transplantation
in Turkey

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International Phone Numbers:

+44 2080891829 London, Great Britain
+7 499 1134611 Moscow, Russia
+38 044 3532921 Kyiv, Ukraine
+7 717 2696594 Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

Daily 8:00 to 17:30

Rehabilitation after Hair Transplantation in Turkey

The rehabilitation period after hair transplantation is quick and does not cause significant inconvenience if all recommendations for care are followed.

The first week after transplantation is considered critical and requires strict adherence to all the instructions given by the doctor.

Responsible implementation of all the doctor's advice is the key to a successful result.

If everything is done correctly, then the hair will quickly take root and in the shortest possible time the patient can return to his usual way of life.
Профессор медицинских наук Dikilitaş mah. Ayazmadere. Трихолог в Турции
Graft survival after transplantation
Within 2-3 days after transplantation, there is a decrease in redness and restoration of the donor area. After 2-3 weeks, the so-called shock hair loss occurs, when all the transplanted follicles fall out. But within 2-3 months they begin to grow successfully. First, sparse hair grows which eventually begins to thicken. After about six months, all transplanted hair grows back, but at this stage there is still no final density. Every month the structure of the hair will improve. The final appearance of the new hair will be visible 12-18 months after transplantation.
Rules for hair care after transplantation
Care after transplantation is not difficult, but it should be treated responsibly. In the first two weeks, it is recommended to use only those care products that were provided in the clinic.
The doctor does the first training washing of the head for the patient the next day after the procedure. At the first stage, a special lotion should be applied to the area of ​​the transplanted follicles, as well as to the donor area, for 15-20 minutes. The second step is to apply a mild shampoo to gently cleanse the hair and rinse immediately. The third step, using a thin cloth or paper towel, is to gently blot your hair to dry it. Terry products cannot be used. Thus, it is necessary to wash your hair twice a day for the first two weeks after transplantation. After about a month, you can use other shampoos and strengthening products.
Important Tips
In the first weeks after the procedure, it is not recommended to wear knitted hats and any other headwear that can irritate or squeeze the scalp. While outdoors, you can wear a wide hat, and indoors it is better to be without a hat. This will serve to speed up the healing of the donor area, as well as relieve pressure on the area of ​​transplanted grafts. During the rehabilitation period, a balanced diet is necessary. Also, in the first two weeks after transplantation, active physical exertion should be avoided. In the first 2-3 days after the procedure, it is better not to tilt your head forward so as not to provoke swelling of the face. During the first few days after transplantation, you need to sleep on your back, using a special headrest pillow. You can not sleep on your side or face down, as this can lead to swelling of the face or temporal region.
Restrictions and Prohibitions
In the first two weeks, smoking and alcoholic beverages should be excluded. You also need to limit exposure to the sun, playing sports, as this can lead to increased sweating and changes in the blood supply to the scalp. Within 2-3 weeks you can not swim in the sea, you should avoid visiting pools and saunas. Also, in the first two weeks, it is not recommended to do a haircut. From the third week you can cut your hair with scissors.

Hair transplantation in the Skin & Health Cinic

Онкологический центр Андерсона
In September 2021, Kazbekov Kairat turned to us for help. He needed a hair transplantation to solve his baldness problem.

We studied Kairat's diagnosis in detail and, based on it, sent a request to the Skin Health clinic which specializes in dermatology and aesthetic medicine. This is a certified clinic located in Istanbul. Skin Health uses the most advanced hair transplant technology and sees up to 100 patients per month. The whole process was organized by our manager Julia Barnett (потом выделить страничку о нас)
Our request was answered by Dr. Oyku Selen. Dr. Oikou is a member of the International Society for Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), a group of successful transplant doctors.

Kairat's medical program lasted 3 days. The hair transplant operation was performed by Dr. Oyku Selen using the Micro FUE Sapphire method.

The cost of the entire program was €2,200.00. Kairat was satisfied with the process and the transplantation results, so he kindly provided us with his photos before and after the procedure.
Онкологический центр Андерсона


Almost all medical institutions specializing in hair transplantation offer service packages. The main role in the pricing policy of such an offer is played by the level of the clinic, the quality of services, additional procedures. Also, the price may include hotel booking, airport transfer, driver services for the next day.
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