Capacity of the hospital is 720 beds.
Specializations: Anesthesiology, Gastroenterology, Visceral surgery, Gynecology, Neurology, Ophthalmology, Oncology, Radiology, Rheumatology, Traumatology, Urology, Cardiology, Dermatology, Diabetology, Pediatrics, Psychology, Pulmonology and many other.
At University College Hospital, the most famous and popular department is the Macmillan Cancer Centre. The center is open only from 2012 and is already a very visited place with a large number of patients. Comprehensive diagnostics and high-quality treatment options for treating all types of cancer are provided here.
Not only oncology is the virtue of University College Hospital. Patients from all over the worls come to the following departments to get high-quality treatment: Neurology and neurosurgery, Acute stroke center, ICU, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, all types of Internal medicine, Orthopedics and others.
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Wing provides comprehensive, high quality care with the latest technology for women and their babies in the areas of gynaecology, maternity and neonatal care. Maternity services offer access to a full range of care options in different settings including home birth, community care, a co-located birth centre and our labour ward with a highly skilled team of midwives and obstetricians – and two dedicated theatres.
For travelers, and those who have recently visited tropical countries, there is a hospital for treatment of tropical diseases.
The Institute of Sport, Exercise, and Health helps people with sports injuries. The clinic works together with leading medical sports organizations in the country, creating a level of medical care that previously only famous professional athletes could afford. The British Olympic Association, the British Institute of Sports, HCAPrivate Hospital, UCL, UCLH work together on the issue of treating just one patient. The latter organization is known for hundreds of studies of world importance, in which almost 12 thousand patients are participating.